miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Coperchio di sepolcro muliebre

Coperchio di sepolcro muliebre da Tuscania, terracotta con tracce di policromia, III sec. d.C. Museo archeologico di Firenze, museum in Florence

A fresco of a young man

A fresco of a young man from the Villa di Arianna, Stabiae, 1st century AD


: A Roman fresco from Pompeii showing a Maenad in silk dress, 1st century AD Right image: A fresco of a young man from the Villa di Arianna, Stabiae, 1st century AD.


Iphigeneia carried to the sacrifice (centre) while the seer Calchas (on the right) watches on and Agamemnon (on the left) covers his head in sign of deploration. In the sky, Artemis appears with a hind which will be substituted to the young girl.


This piece of painted material, which dates from the Graeco-Roman Period, depicts two divinities in the form of a serpent. They are without any doubt Agathos Daimon, the good genie protector of the town of Alexandria, and Isis-Uraeus. They are respectively wearing pshent head-dresses, the pharaonic double crown of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, and a crown composed of a solar disk and cow's horns. The bodies are marked with black and reddish colours. The two divine serpents, creations of religious syncretism of the Graeco-Roman Period, often decorate stelae, coins and the walls of tombs.
Van dieren en mensen. Getuigenissen uit Prehistorie en Oudheid - Des animaux et des hommes. Témoignages de la Préhistoire et de l'Antiquité (Exposition), Bruxelles 1988, 179 nº 179


Fresco from the Villa of the Mysteries. Pompeii, 80 BC

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

carved plaque of a supine bull

An exquisitely carved plaque of a supine bull. Note the black burn mark. Probably this was part of a group which once supported an ivory tray. Neo-Assyrian period, 9th-7th centuries BCE. From Nimrud, Mesopotamia, Iraq. The Sulaymaniyah Museum, Iraq.

ivory plaque

Ivory Plaque from Nimrud (ancient Kalhu; Biblical Calah). It depicts a standing/striding bull. From Nimrud, Mesopotamia, Iraq. It was excavated by Sir Max Mallowan between 1949-1963. Neo-Assyrian Period, 911-612 BCE. Erbil Civilization Museum, Kurdistan, Iraq.

“Woman at the window” or “the lady of the window”

“Woman at the window” or “the lady of the window” is one of the most famous scenes in Phoenician ivory carving. The plaque shows a woman who looks out of a window, thought to be a sacred prostitute linked to the goddess Astarte or Ishtar. However, the exact significance of the scene is still unknown. Neo-Assyrian period, 9th-7th centuries BCE. From Nimrud, Mesopotamia, Iraq. The Sulaimaniyah Museum, Iraq.

Ídolo guanche

Ídolo guanche conocido como "Guatimac" (Museo Arqueológico del Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife).

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016


The tomb of Renni, numbered EK 7, is of great interest, not only in the setting of the site at El Kab, but more extensively because it is one of the rare Egyptian tombs which dates from the reign of Amenhotep I. From a decorative view point, one feels here the influence of the end of the Middle Kingdom, the cannon of the New Kingdom not yet being completely in place.



La tumba de la necrópolis de Varna (Bulgaria), que data de 4600 aC con la joyería de oro más antiguo del mundo A tomb from the Varna necropolis (Bulgaria), circa 4600 BC, with the world's oldest gold jewellery yet discovered.

Baños romanos. Varna

Pièces d'orfèvrerie présentées au musée archéologique de Varna (Bulgarie) et qui seraient parmi les objets en or les plus anciens connus à ce jour (- 6000 ans avant JC)

 Médaillon datant de l'époque byzantine et faisant partie du trésor de Véliki Preslav. Exposé au musée archéologique de Varna - Bulgarie

 Collier d'époque byzantine - Musée archéologique de Varna


La tumba de la necrópolis de Varna (Bulgaria), que data de 4600 aC con la joyería de oro más antiguo del mundo A tomb from the Varna necropolis (Bulgaria), circa 4600 BC, with the world's oldest gold jewellery yet discovered.

Baños romanos. Varna

Pièces d'orfèvrerie présentées au musée archéologique de Varna (Bulgarie) et qui seraient parmi les objets en or les plus anciens connus à ce jour (- 6000 ans avant JC)

 Médaillon datant de l'époque byzantine et faisant partie du trésor de Véliki Preslav. Exposé au musée archéologique de Varna - Bulgarie

 Collier d'époque byzantine - Musée archéologique de Varna

 Bijoux d'époque byzantine présentés au musée archéologique de Varna - Bulgarie

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016

TOMB 340

The reading of the scene must in fact be made from the left, since the lower register where a woman, turned facing the cortege, seems to welcome it while offering a vase of ointment. The funeral procession heads toward the west, while going from Anubis toward Osiris (and therefore the mummy's preparation toward rebirth).
At the head one finds four porters with chests whose carrying straps have not been represented. Each man carries in principle two chests, in fact only six i...nstead of eight are represented, due to lack of space, in a rather ungainly manner (at less at this stage).
- Behind the porters of chests, is a group of mourners (which is difficult to identify) in sheath dresses with straps and tripartite wigs, turned around toward the continuation of the cortege while raising their arms at right-angles

Facing the mourners, advance six porters with offerings. The first holds in his hands a nu-vase and a bes-vase; the next two each carry a casket, the fourth and the fifth, a pedestal or a stool with struts. the last, whose silhouette is fairly damaged, a bag or a fan. All porters with funeral furniture in this register are clothed in the same way: very simple short loincloths and short wigs covering the ears.
In the upper register, where the second part of the procession is represented, one first sees eight women, feet together and in a tight sheath dress of archaic style, of which the gestures of the arms are quite varied: hands crossed on the chest; arms down the body; both arms raised.
Next comes the catafalque. It is carried by five men and is preceded by two cattle and a drover, which means that at certain times of the journey the catafalque was hauled, but that here the cortege crosses a rocky or more difficult passage, probably in the mountain.
The red catafalque, in the shape of an Egyptian shrine, is placed on a barque of which the prow and the stern are constituted of umbels of papyrus. Inside the catafalque, the anthropoid coffin is decorated of yellow bands intended to receive some inscriptions and the mask is framed by a green wig. On a line of soil, that has not yet been drawn above the cattle and their drover, three mourners constitute a small sub-register. Kneeling, the bust tilted forwards, they carry both hands to their faces.
TOMB 340 was discovered by Bernard Bruyère in 1925. It is a tiny vault located below a courtyard and which one reaches by some steps.


En 269, Zenobia, su ejército, y el general Zabdas conquistaron violentamente Egipto con la ayuda de su aliado egipcio, Timágenes, y su ejército. El prefecto romano de Egipto, Probus Tenagino y sus fuerzas, trataron de expulsarles de Egipto, pero el ejército de Zenobia capturó y decapitó a Probus. Zenobia se proclamó reina de Egipto y acuñó monedas con su nombre. En ese momento su reino se extendía desde el Nilo hasta el Éufrates.


Caracalla (211-217) otorgó la ciudadanía romana a todos los egipcios, en común con otras provincias, pero esto debía arrastrar principalmente más impuestos, que crecieron cada vez más, como las onerosas necesidades de los emperadores. Hubo una serie de rebeliones, militares y civiles, en el siglo III.
Portrait of the emperor Caracalla from a statue reworked as a bust

Termas de Caracalla


Wall painting fragment

Wall painting fragment
Period:Early ImperialDate:1st century A.D.Culture:RomanMedium:FrescoDimensions:Overall: 5 11/16 in. (14.5 cm)
This fresco fragment preserves the head of a woman wearing an Egyptian headdress. The Romans had an enduring fascination with the ancient cults and arts of Egypt, as attested by depictions on wall paintings, mosaics, and other media.
Met Museum

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

Restos de la basílica de Baelo Claudia

Restos de la basílica de Baelo Claudia, en Tarifa, Cádiz. En algunos puntos de la ciudad se observa la influencia del modo de construir africano, ejemplo de como Roma absorbía los conocimientos de otras civilizaciones

cabeza. estatua romana

Cabeza de una antigua estatua romana de bronce, que a su vez era parte de un grupo escultórico. Fue hallada en el templo romano del yacimiento arqueológico de Cabezo de Alcalá, en Azaila (Provincia de Teruel, Aragón, España). Es una representación de un joven noble local, datada en el primer tercio del siglo I a. C. (Edad de Hierro II).

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Señor de los caballos

Lord of the Horses, Villaricos (Almeria), Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, Barcelona

Ancient silver vessel

Ancient silver vessel from the Tivissa Treasure, c. 500 BC. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia

Plaster mask of a young man

Plaster mask of a young man
Plaster head piece from the mummy covering of a young man. The steeply raised-up head, which is complete, has short cropped hair and plastically modelled pupils, the gaze aimed slightly to the right. The right hand is placed on the chest, with a wreath of flowers depicted underneath. The neck is extended in an unnatural manner owing to the steep angle of the raised head. A garment is pulled up high around the neck.
Present location PELIZAEUS-MUSEUM [04/030] HILDESHEIM
Inventory number 0386
Archaeological Site TUNA EL-GABAL ?
Height 35.2 cm
Width 23 cm
Depth 45 cm
Bibliography•Roeder, G., Die Denkmäler des Pelizaeus-Museums zu Hildesheim, Hildesheim 1921, S. 105.
•Kayser, H., Die ägyptischen Altertümer im Roemer-Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim, Hildesheim 1973, S. 118, Abb. 96.
•Eggebrecht, A. (Hrsg.), Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim : Die ägyptische Sammlung, Hildesheim - Mainz 1993, Abb. 112.

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Marco Junio Bruto

Marco Junio Bruto
Sobrino de Catón el jover, participó en las Idus de Marzo.
En la batalla de Filipos fue derrotado y huye con el resto de su ejercito.... pero después se suicida arrojándose sobre su espada.
23 de octubre del 42 a.

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016

Coffin Lid of Ankhesenaset

Coffin Lid of Ankhesenaset
Lid of a wooden mummiform coffin, painted black with details in yellow that is now very faint. The coffin contains an inner cartonnage mummy case with a female mummy (M14000). The pectoral is of lotus flowers and pomegranates and below is a winged disc and a now indecipherable scene which, according to an earlier description, was a vignette from Chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead. Down the centre is a single column of inscription with an offering request for a woman described as a ‘Chantress of Amun’ but only the beginning of her name (Ankhesen…) can be seen as the last few hieroglyphs have not survived. Her name would have ended with the name of a god and in 1877 her name was recorded as Ankhesenhesi. Dr van Walsem of Leiden University studied the coffin on 15 December 1981 and recommneded the name be read as Ankhesenaset.

A 5th-century mosaic

A 5th-century mosaic in the Great Palace of Constantinople depicts two venatores fighting a tiger.

Frontón con escena de gladiadores

Frontón con escena de gladiadores procedente del Anfiteatro romano de Emerita Augusta (Mérida

Zliten mosaic

Part of the Zliten mosaic from Libya (Leptis Magna), about 2nd century CE. It shows (left to right) a thraex fighting a murmillo, a hoplomachus standing with another murmillo (who is signaling his defeat to the referee), and one of a matched pair.

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016


Present location PELIZAEUS-MUSEUM [04/030] HILDESHEIM
Inventory number L/SN 1
Provenance EL-FAIYUM ?
Width 41 cm
Bibliography•Eggebrecht, A. (Hrsg.), Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim : Die ägyptische Sammlung, Hildesheim - Mainz 1993, Abb. 101.

Model of a sailing ship

Model of a sailing ship
The type of sailing ship represented here has a flat bow and stern. The ship has a simple yard with a square sail, as well as a huge double steering oar. The helmsman stands out from among the crew members. Several of the other crew members are shown bringing offerings. The cabin of the ship resembles a round hut.
Present location PELIZAEUS-MUSEUM [04/030] HILDESHEIM
Inventory number 1697
Archaeological Site MIR
Height 69 cm
Width 32 cm
Bibliography•Roeder, G., Die Denkmäler des Pelizaeus-Museums zu Hildesheim, Hildesheim 1921, S. 75.
•Kayser, H., Die ägyptischen Altertümer im Roemer-Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim, Hildesheim 1973, S. 55.
•Götter und Pharaonen, Hildesheim 1979, Kat.-Nr. 181A.
•Martin-Pardey, E., Grabbeigaben, Nachträge und Ergänzungen (Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum: Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 6), Mainz 1991, S. 93-101.


Inventory number L.XII.6
Archaeological Site UNKNOWN
Material WOOD
Bibliography•Raven, M. J., Mummies onder het mes, Amsterdam 1993, 40, afb. 57.